Courage and Boldness: What Emotions Can Stop Our Children From Being Great?

If we as parents are not careful, our children’s emotions can rule them instead of them mastering them… And to live a balanced life with Health and Joy, we, and our children, MUST do all in our power to master emotions. According to an article in The Lancet on Infectious Diseases, our emotions are also used against us. It reads: ‘We human beings are creatures not only of intellect but of emotion too. Understanding this very well, campaigners against medical advances appeal to the latter at least as much as the former. From battles over the earliest vaccines, through cornea grafting in the 1950s and heart transplantation in the 1960s, to embryo research today, opponents invariably deploy emotional ammunition as well as whatever rational arguments they can muster.’ So what emotions are poked and prodded to make us feel forced to do things that we should not, keeping our children from feeling truly bold and courageous in their lives, and making their health suffer?

Chinese medicine teaches us of seven (7) emotions that can cause disorders of our internal organs and disease. These seven emotions are: fear, shock, joy, sorrow, worry, contemplation, and anger. Of these there are specifically two (2) that must be focused on to help us overcome the others. These are Fear and Anger. Let me elaborate on these two main emotions.

I have found these emotions to be significant root causes of disease. First, what organs do you think are weakened by Fear? The answer? The Kidneys. Before I continue, I must remind you to open up your minds. You must unlearn what you think you know about your bodies when I discuss Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is the only way to truly understand it and help the body to heal itself. Having said this, let’s continue…

Do you have a child with kidney problems? Bladder problems? Bedwetting problems? Frequent urination problems? Constant urinary infections and bladder infections? Have you noticed they are harboring fear or are dealing with unresolved forgiveness and unresolved fear issues? Chinese medicine focuses on strengthening these organs to help the child overcome this debilitating emotion. The kidneys are important organs in charge of growth, reproduction, and maintenance of the metabolic balance of water throughout the body. Everything from bone health, to a healthy puberty, and reproductive system health depends on kidney health. Think of those children you know with back pain, joint problems, ear problems, constant ear infections, or hearing problems, unfounded fears, etc.

Here are other specific symptoms Chinese Medicine teaches us are experienced when the kidneys are weak in children:

  • Weak legs
  • Brittle bones
  • Kidney inflammation
  • White/graying hair
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
  • Back problems
  • Problems when climate turns cold
  • Premature aging in a child
  • Ailments in the bones

To balance and help diminish an excess of the emotion known as Fear, strengthen the kidneys, and increase energy in the body, use both of the following natural therapies with children for minimum 3 months.  If the child has trouble swallowing capsules, they may be opened and mixed in 1-2 oz. of organic apple juice.:

These provide a basic balancing of yin energy of the vital organs with specific focus on kidney health.


And now, the second emotion. Anger. This is the emotion related to the Liver. This negative emotion forces energy upward. Think of a child who’s face and/or eyes become red when angry. Heat rises and so this is the perfect example of how this negative energy flows within the body. This upwards energy, which comes from the chemical plant of the body, the liver, will have a child demonstrating symptoms of nausea, vomiting, vomiting blood and may even experience diarrhea containing undigested foods. Do you know a child who gets ‘ticked off’ quickly all the time? A child who throws constant temper tantrums? A child who lives angry at others all the time and/or angry at the world? Please know, these are symptoms of liver imbalances. Do you know a child that even at their tender young age has already been diagnosed with a liver disease? Most likely the child lives with underlying anger.

The liver is one of the most important internal organs in the human body. It is the filter of blood, fat and hormones. It stores and regulates the blood throughout the entire body and is also in control of extending and flexing muscles and joints. The liver loves to grow and disperse, and hates to be inhibited and oppressed. For this reason, when the liver is inhibited by the emotion of anger, it is harmed as a result. Anger and anxiety are even linked to heart disease according to an article this year in The Atlantic. Think of a child dealing with these negative emotions and suffering with early heart disease… All this contributes as a root problem to diseases of the liver. And therefore, when the liver is diseased, a child will demonstrate many more subsequent emotional problems.

Here are other specific symptoms Chinese Medicine teaches us demonstrate Yang liver imbalances:

  • Irritability, anger or hardheadedness
  • Throat irritation
  • Tonsil inflammation
  • Eye infections
  • Allergies
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • Menstrual irregularities

To balance the liver, help bring more harmony within, and bring forth a more joyous child, use the following natural therapy with a child for minimum 3 months:

If we balance the emotional, the physical will follow.  Let’s do all in our power to help our children be happy, healthy, courageous, and bold so they may succeed in life;)

2 responses to “Courage and Boldness: What Emotions Can Stop Our Children From Being Great?

  1. Dr Julissa, please help!
    I have been diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia what is the right type and dose of natural herbs to regulate my platelets. Doc wants me on medication after I stop nursing my 9 mth old.I plan to stop nursing after she turns one but im afraid to be medicated. I want a good report next visit. I’m ready for a cleanse! I read recently dandelion, burdock and yellow dock roots are good but haven’t tried them. What can I do?

    • Hello Fatima,
      I understand… Since your case is unique given you are nursing, please reach out to my office to schedule a phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Tango consultation with me personally. 212.923.6366. We look forward to hearing from you. And please know I will do all in my power to help you be well;) ~Dr. J