Men And Testosterone


Newly updated March 2019.

Testosterone. What role does this hormone really play in a man’s health? Testosterone is important for a healthy sex drive and stamina, helps in producing strong erections, and helps the male body in building protein. The hormone, testosterone, also assists the body in bone formation, prostate gland growth, the functions of the liver, and production of blood cells in bone marrow. A man’s sex drive is very much dependent on healthy testosterone levels and a strong blood supply to the erectile tissue.


What symptoms are experienced when a man suffers Andropause, or what is also known as Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome? According to the Society for The Study Of Androgen Deficiency, symptoms range from depression, weight gain, night sweats, irritability, loss of drive, and loss of libido (loss of sex drive).

Diet and exercise are two very important factors in maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Men should eat foods rich in zinc such as: nuts, seeds and legumes. Fiber-rich foods are also very important like: legumes, fruits and vegetables to avoid atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) of the penis and to maintain a healthy circulatory flow. *Men, please drink alcohol in moderation. Heavy drinking can lead to reduced erections.

In addition to truly help the body heal, use the following natural therapies combined minimum 30-90 days to help bring male hormone levels back to balance, restore sexual desire, sexual endurance, erectile capability, sexual vitality, reduce body fat, increase muscle strength, and improve mood:


Lastly, Gentlemen, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and give us, those of us who love you, is to care for your health, that you may feel vitality, energy, and happy, so you can be in our lives for as long as possible…~

9 Natural Immune Boosters

Repost from MyNSP Blog.

A vital immune system can mean the difference between a pleasant winter and a miserable one. Do your part to help your body stay strong with help from these gifts from Mother Nature:


The root and leaves of this purple coneflower have been used for centuries   by American Indians and Europeans to boost immunity. Echinacea triggers the   body’s white blood cells to attack unwanted invaders. According to research, it  can significantly increase the body’s white blood cell count. Specifically, this herb  increases the body’s count of T-cells, interferon, interleukin and immunoglobulin.


Believe it or not, your gut is a key part of your immune system. And eating plenty  of friendly bacteria (probiotics) helps strengthen your immunity!

A recent study published in Postgraduate Medicine found that women who   took a daily probiotic had higher levels of T-cells. T-cells are special white blood   cells that support the immune system. So say “Yum!” to yogurt or get crazy for  sauerkraut. But check the labels. Some yogurts offer very minimal amounts of  friendly flora. Consider taking a quality probiotic supplement.


Many of us hit the orange juice or eat extra oranges or grapefruits during the winter months.  Citrus and other red fruits and veggies (red peppers, strawberries and even leafy greens)  contain vitamin C, which helps protect and support the immune system. It also strengthens the  cardiovascular system, supports eye health and more.


Long-cherished for its support of the bones, vitamin D3 (the sunlight vitamin) is opening eyes for its immune-system benefits. Researchers are studying this nutrient to find out how it helps support immunity. It appears to help regulate the function of lymphocytes (an important type of white blood cells), the production of cytokines (another key white blood cell) and the activity of macrophages (protein  messengers vital to immune function).


This flavorful and aromatic member of the onion family stimulates the production of important  white blood cells. Garlic also helps quench free radicals in the bloodstream. It even supports  heart health.


The western U.S. and Canada are home to the Sambucus nigra or elderberry. Its properties have  been studied by many scientists, and for good reason! It contains principals that stimulate the  body to make cytokines, a type of protein molecule that enhances the immune system’s response  to attacks. This dark-colored berry also contains powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins.


Most people think of mushrooms as a flavor enhancer or use them to bulk up a   dish. But some mushrooms offer much more than that. Researchers have found  that reishi and cordyceps mushrooms contain chemicals that offer a host of immune benefits,  including boosting the immune system and offering lung support. And, guys, it may  help with prostate health as well!


This essential trace mineral supports the body’s immunity and aids   with nerve function. Zinc seems to work the best when taken at   the first sign of concern.


Hold the pimientos. We’re talking about olive leaf here, not cocktail garnishes or pizza toppings. The leaves of this Mediterranean staple offer a powerhouse of protection against unwanted invaders. Olive leaf contains a bitter compound called oleuropein that also provides fabulous support to the circulatory system. And it battles free radical damage.



  1. Minimize stress.
  2. Stay active.
  3. Eat a healthful diet. Steer clear   of sugary and high-fat foods,   which can slow and/or weaken   immune response.
  4. Socialize. People with friends  have stronger immune systems  than those who feel alone. Of course, try not to socialize with people who are sick 😉

High Blood Pressure: Thief of Health & Life


Newly updated October 25, 2018.

Do you know someone with high blood pressure? It is a truly major health problem in America. So much so, that it affects 1 out of 3 adults. HBP causes an average of over 63,000 deaths and is related to over 260,000 deaths from stroke per year. It increases risk of kidney malfunction, congestive heart failure, and heart attacks. And diet and lifestyle factors play a big role in some of the causes.

Causes of HBP range from: clogged arteries and hardening of the arteries such as arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, and most of this brought on from fiber, calcium and magnesium deficiencies. To think that lifetime drug therapy is the answer is wrong. Medication is not required to control the disease as new information has pointed out. The drug therapies prescribed of choice are beta blockers.

These have many side effects that cause everything from:

  • impotence in men
  • increased heart attacks by up to 62%
  • an increased risk of suicide
  • joint pain
  • nausea/vomiting
  • dizziness/fainting
  • breathing problems/asthma

The following combination is what I recommend to begin reversing high blood pressure:

If you are overweight, the above supplements will help eliminate excess fat storage via the colon. Eat smaller meals more often. Eliminate hard liquor and caffeine. Smoking tobacco raises blood pressure. The above supplements are focusing on 5 major eliminatory organs: colon, skin, liver, kidneys, and lungs. Toxins released from the lungs help with smoking cravings and in this way, help you quit smoking.

Make the lifestyle changes necessary, overcome your challenges with High Blood Pressure., achieve the optimum health you deserve.

Schizophrenia: Helping The Mind and Body Heal


A psychosis very common in today’s day and age is Schizophrenia. Those suffering with this mental disorder, and their loved ones, feel despair when nothing seems to help. But some people have figured out how to overcome schizophrenia, helping the mind and body heal by bringing the mind and body back to a state of balance.

Schizophrenia is characterized by specific symptoms such as: random, scattered thoughts, delusions, paranoia to extreme paranoia, disordered perception, and hallucinations. Chemical anti-psychotic drugs do not seem to help the problem and end up causing more harm along with unwanted side effects. The schizophrenic person feels misunderstood and keeps to himself / herself, withdrawing from others in social gatherings and emotionally.

Anti-psychotic drugs cause a side effect called Tardive Diskinesia. This side effect is characterized by psychosis symptoms that become heightened, the person seems to be dragging their body during normal tasks, is lethargic, angry and sad outbursts tend to happen often.

Natural, herbal therapies have proven to have a successful track record for helping the mind and body heal from TD and schizophrenia.

Causes of Schizophrenia? This psychosis develops from environmental and genetic disorders. The wrong foods play a big part in this mental illness. Dairy and lactose intolerance, yeast and candida albicans overgrowth, wheat intolerance and gluten allergy are of the main issues many schizophrenics suffer from. Sugar imbalances are also common in schizophrenics from diabetes to hypoglycemia. Many schizophrenics are also smokers because of a gene found in the nicotine receptors. Because of all these imbalances, many schizophrenics abuse their prescribed medications and other drugs to feel ‘high’.

The following combined natural therapies are what I have recommended to patients to successfully overcome this mental health challenge, help nourish and increase circulation to the brain, increase brain activity, and balance nerves and mood: (Click each supplement link to obtain and for more information.)

UltraBiome DTX

Free Amino Acids

Super Trio

Brain Protex

5-HTP Power

Focus Attention