Tag Archives: Erectile dysfunction

Men And Testosterone


Newly updated March 2019.

Testosterone. What role does this hormone really play in a man’s health? Testosterone is important for a healthy sex drive and stamina, helps in producing strong erections, and helps the male body in building protein. The hormone, testosterone, also assists the body in bone formation, prostate gland growth, the functions of the liver, and production of blood cells in bone marrow. A man’s sex drive is very much dependent on healthy testosterone levels and a strong blood supply to the erectile tissue.


What symptoms are experienced when a man suffers Andropause, or what is also known as Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome? According to the Society for The Study Of Androgen Deficiency, symptoms range from depression, weight gain, night sweats, irritability, loss of drive, and loss of libido (loss of sex drive).

Diet and exercise are two very important factors in maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Men should eat foods rich in zinc such as: nuts, seeds and legumes. Fiber-rich foods are also very important like: legumes, fruits and vegetables to avoid atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) of the penis and to maintain a healthy circulatory flow. *Men, please drink alcohol in moderation. Heavy drinking can lead to reduced erections.

In addition to truly help the body heal, use the following natural therapies combined minimum 30-90 days to help bring male hormone levels back to balance, restore sexual desire, sexual endurance, erectile capability, sexual vitality, reduce body fat, increase muscle strength, and improve mood:


Lastly, Gentlemen, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and give us, those of us who love you, is to care for your health, that you may feel vitality, energy, and happy, so you can be in our lives for as long as possible…~