Tag Archives: The Michael Baisden Show

Your Period, Ovarian Cysts, PCOS, & Establishing Comfort

A woman is delicate. So delicate, that if her intricate reproductive system and hormones are just slightly imbalanced, she will experience health discomforts and menstrual problems on a monthly basis that seem unbearable. Some of these monthly challenges range from the most common which are:

  • irregular periods
  • painful periods with cramps
  • severe heavy bleeding during menses
  • PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)

And PMS has over 150 documented symptoms ranging from:

  • headaches
  • bloating
  • mood swings that can last anywhere from 2 days to over 2

Ladies, our lifestyle, diet, glandular health, and hormonal balance all play a part in how we feel as women; monthly, weekly, daily. Even young adolescent girls who do severe diets or have eating disorders along with low estrogen levels start experiencing delayed or lack of menses (periods).  Another increasing cause of menstrual problems is low blood calcium levels. Blood calcium levels (think blood not bone) are regulated by the kidneys. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us the kidneys are the residence of the loins and are closely related to the reproduction, growth and aging of the human body. For this reason, when the pure substances of the kidneys are in short supply, a woman may suffer from:

  • suppression of menses
  • infertility
  • slow growth
  • premature aging

And everything ranging from:

  • uterine challenges (Fibroids, etc.)
  • Ovarian challenges (Ovarian Cysts, PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Irregular PAP Smear, Small Tumors

Ovarian Cysts are found in women with menstrual problems, excessive bleeding during their periods, those with irregular periods or lack of periods.  These cysts are chamber sacs, small, and filled with fluid.  Causes?  Hormone imbalances, usually estrogen dominance, and hypothyroidism.  PCOS is much more serious and affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age.  These are multiple cysts that develop on both ovaries and menstruation becomes irregular.  PCOS is accompanied by severe weight gain to the point of obesity, insulin resistance, skin problems such as adult acne, infertility, and excess facial hair growth.  Eating disorders and exposure to chronic stress play a large role in the development of PCOS.

All of these symptoms should be treated by having a main focus on toning up the kidneys. How? First, reduce these significantly:

  • caffeinated drinks
  • carbonated drinks
  • increase exercise but avoid too much exercise. In other words, ‘competitor’s syndrome or marathoner’s syndrome’.
  • venereal diseases, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • adrenal exhaustion from extreme levels of stress
  • IUD-caused cervical lesions
  • cysts
  • emotional shock
  • birth control pills (they are known to cause menstrual irregularities)

Use the following herbal combination to normalize menstrual flow, promote a healthy monthly menstrual cycle, balance hormones, support exhausted adrenals, promote healthy blood composition:




Ladies. In the past, women used to suffer in silence and believed that monthly discomforts were something that could not be avoided; that it was all part of being a woman. Since they weren’t in the high profile workplace it was easy to go to bed and suffer alone. Today, the modern woman seems almost made to order for imbalances and stress. Don’t suffer any longer and do something to help your bodies heal. A holistic natural therapy approach has always shown promise and benefits a woman’s delicate reproductive balance. Be well.~